Ancaster Dentist | Best Denist in Ancaster

Smiling Dental is a leading Ancaster dentist office specializing in cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry and general dentistry. Call us

Which System Is Best For You?

 If you’re not happy with the way your smile looks in photos, it might be time to do something about it.  If you’ve noticed that your teeth have shifted, especially if you’ve had braces in the past, then they might continue to shift in the future.  As we age, it’s very common for our lower front teeth to become more and more crooked and crowded.  The more crowded your teeth are, the longer and more expensive it becomes to straighten them later.

You have options!

  1. Braces – Metal braces and wires are the traditional way of straightening your smile.  Treatment varies depending on the severity of your case, but adults can expect to spend between 8 and 18 months and $5,000 to $7,000.  Metal braces have been used for decades because they just…work!  Some patients, especially adults, find them to be annoying to keep clean because food gets trapped around the bracket and wire.  Many adults feel self-conscious about showing a smile full of metal while they are in treatment.
  2. Invisalign – Invisalign Ancaster ON is the nearly invisible, clear aligner alternative to traditional metal braces. There are no metal braces or wires glued to your teeth. Instead, we use a series of removable, clear plastic aligners that gently nudge your teeth into the proper position. While you are wearing them, they are nearly invisible. And since they are removable, you can take them out to clean them (and your teeth!). The cost and time involved is very comparable to regular braces and is actually sometimes FASTER and LESS EXPENSIVE than regular braces because our main treatment goal is simpler: To make your smile look better.

Most of our Invisalign patients end up paying less than $500 per month.

The Bottom Line:

Most adults these days choose Invisalign over regular metal braces. They are usually faster, less expensive, more comfortable, easier to maintain, and most importantly they are virtually invisible while you wear them! There is one catch though… not all situations are appropriate for Invisalign.  The technology continues to get better and better, but still, there are certain situations where regular braces will work better. The only way to find out is to ask your dentist! You’ve got nothing to lose!

Our practice offers Complimentary 3D Smile Simulations where you can preview your own virtual before and after photos. Call us today!

Dentist Ancaster – Smiling Dental is a leading Ancaster dentist office specializing in cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry and general dentistry.


 Life is busy. You may think there’s no way you could possibly fit a regular dental exam in between juggling your family’s schedule, completing tasks for your job, and maintaining a clean home.

Think again! In fact, your finances may require it.

Attending regular dental cleanings is the best way to prevent costly and painful conditions from developing and festering to the point of dire treatment. Skipping a dental appointment could cost you thousands of dollars, and dangerous conditions may not be caught until the problem hits crisis mode.

Consider this: The date for your yearly exam rolls around, and you think you are just too busy to attend. Eight months later, a piercing toothache forces you into the dental chair, and as the dentist peers into your mouth, you learn of a few cavities that have eaten away at your teeth. If you regularly brush your teeth, you may be shocked! But if you had attended your dental appointment eight months ago, you might have learned your teeth were showing signs of wear and tear. Your dentist could have taught you preventive methods or applied a coating of sealant for extra protection. Instead, you are shelling out hundreds of dollars for completely preventable cavities.

Still not convinced? Consider this as well: You may be paying money every paycheck for dental insurance. Why let that money go to waste and spend extra money on painful conditions that your dentist could have caught at a regular appointment? Don’t let your dental benefits go to waste.

Oral health care is as much about preventing cavities, oral cancers, missing teeth, and other painful conditions as it is about diagnosing and treating these conditions. Dental science has made significant strides in recent decades to offer patients top-of-the-line treatment options, but it’s also made detecting warning signs easier than ever.

Don’t let your busy lifestyle dictate when your oral health matters. Schedule your dental appointment today and smile brighter as you save money and your oral health with a dentist near me.

Helping Your Baby Find Relief From Teething With Dentist In Ancaster


Helping Your Baby Find Relief From Teething With Dentist in Ancaster

Many sleepless nights and screaming fits can result from teeth erupting from a baby’s gums, but with gels, toys, and teething rings, it can be hard to discern which option is best for relief. As a dental expert and a mom to five children, Dr. Meg has a few tips to help!

Unfortunately, numbing gels can be dangerous for your baby and do little to actually numb the pain. These gels will likely rub off before the numbing agent can go into effect, and the numbing agent can kick in after the saliva washes the gel off the gums and carries it around the lips and into the throat. This impacts a baby’s ability to swallow, which can become detrimental to their well-being.

Instead, Dr. Meg recommends the following home remedies that are sure to soothe a baby’s aching gums!

  1. She will often freeze low-sugar yogurt with Popsicle sticks poking through the bottom. Freeze the yogurt to the point where it’s solid but not too frozen, so the baby can gnaw on this homemade Popsicle and enjoy a healthy snack. You can also do this with seedless watermelon and peel-less apple slices.
  2. Find rubber, mesh, or gel-like rings or blocks, and cool these toys slightly. Again, as your baby chews on these items, they will feel cool relief. Some toys and chewers even have options for including food into the mix!
  3. Wet a washcloth with cool water, chill it in the refrigerator or freezer — be careful not to freeze it completely — and allow Baby to suck and chew on it.
  4. If all else fails, your finger can offer the pain-relief your baby needs. Just make sure your hands are clean when Baby needs relief in a pinch.

While gels may not be the solution they promise to be, other medicated creams can work wonders. Rotating the appropriate dosage of Tylenol or Advil can offer relief, while petroleum jellies or lip balms can soothe the region around a baby’s lips from drool-related rashes. Do not smear these products directly onto a baby’s lips to avoid as much ingestion as possible.

Teething is an unavoidable part of development for babies, but you can make the experience bearable for your child.   When in doubt, ask Dr. Meg for more Supermom Tips!

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Dentist in Ancaster ON

Getting a Healthy Start at Dentist Ancaster


Dr. Meg Specializes in Oral Appliances for Families with Restless Children.

As every parent knows, when your child doesn’t sleep, you don’t sleep. Being the parents of five young kids, my husband and I understand this all too well. Last year, we began to notice that our 6-year-old son was regularly struggling to focus in school, waking up in the middle of the night, obscenely snoring, and running laps in his bed. My husband, my son, and I were all groggy from his restless behavior, and the rest of our children were suffering because of it, too. To make matters worse, we have a baby at home, who already wakes up at random hours of the night. 

But it wasn’t until I took a course through Healthy Start that I realized why this could be happening. 

I was introduced to Healthy Start by a group of dentists in the U.S. The organization offers safe oral appliances to treat the symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing in children. This includes snoring, trouble concentrating, irritable behavior, constant movement in their sleep, and various other conditions. (Sounds familiar, right?) The oral appliance persuades a child’s teeth and tongue to sit properly in their mouth, allowing for proper airflow during sleep while also encouraging proper development for a child’s impressionable mouth. This prevents further conditions from developing and can help your child avoid extensive treatments and issues with their cardiovascular health, mental well-being, and cognition. 

Oral appliances are common for teens and adults, whose mouths are nearly fully formed, but formulating these appliances for children, who are constantly developing, is a new area of dental sleep medicine. In fact, in our region, there were only four other practitioners who offered this care for children. It was shocking to find out there are so few resources for families who are kept awake each night and struggling with their children’s behavioral issues. It’s even more surprising when you consider the fact that 9 in 10 children suffer from these symptoms. 

But then again, I was one of those moms who didn’t connect these symptoms my son was showing to a larger issue. It wasn’t until I took this the course to become certified through Healthy Start that I realized the very same issues that I was becoming an expert in were symptoms that my son was displaying! As a mom, I get it. It’s hard to balance everything you have to do on top of working or any other tasks you may take on. The connection between my son’s lack of focus in school and his crazed sleeping patterns just didn’t occur to my husband and myself until I took this course. 

Now my son wears an oral appliance to bed each night, and at the time of writing this, we are only a few weeks into his program. But we’ve already seen an improvement in his mood and his sleep schedule. (As a bonus, we now get to sleep through the night, too. Well, mostly. We still have a baby at home!) 

The last thing you need as a parent is less sleep. I’m proud to offer Healthy Start oral appliances for children because I have seen the direct impact these devices can have on children and their families. As parents, we just want our children to grow up happy and healthy. And I know that begins with a Healthy Start.

Get started with this program by contacting our practice, and learn more about Healthy Start at I guarantee we can help your home find peace each night

Helping Your Baby Find Relief From Teething With Dentist In Ancaster

Helping Your Baby Find Relief From Teething With Dentist in Ancaster

Many sleepless nights and screaming fits can result from teeth erupting from a baby’s gums, but with gels, toys, and teething rings, it can be hard to discern which option is best for relief. As a dental expert and a mom to five children, Dr. Meg has a few tips to help!

Unfortunately, numbing gels can be dangerous for your baby and do little to actually numb the pain. These gels will likely rub off before the numbing agent can go into effect, and the numbing agent can kick in after the saliva washes the gel off the gums and carries it around the lips and into the throat. This impacts a baby’s ability to swallow, which can become detrimental to their well-being.

Instead, Dr. Meg recommends the following home remedies that are sure to soothe a baby’s aching gums!

  1. She will often freeze low-sugar yogurt with Popsicle sticks poking through the bottom. Freeze the yogurt to the point where it’s solid but not too frozen, so the baby can gnaw on this homemade Popsicle and enjoy a healthy snack. You can also do this with seedless watermelon and peel-less apple slices.
  2. Find rubber, mesh, or gel-like rings or blocks, and cool these toys slightly. Again, as your baby chews on these items, they will feel cool relief. Some toys and chewers even have options for including food into the mix!
  3. Wet a washcloth with cool water, chill it in the refrigerator or freezer — be careful not to freeze it completely — and allow Baby to suck and chew on it.
  4. If all else fails, your finger can offer the pain-relief your baby needs. Just make sure your hands are clean when Baby needs relief in a pinch.

While gels may not be the solution they promise to be, other medicated creams can work wonders. Rotating the appropriate dosage of Tylenol or Advil can offer relief, while petroleum jellies or lip balms can soothe the region around a baby’s lips from drool-related rashes. Do not smear these products directly onto a baby’s lips to avoid as much ingestion as possible.

Teething is an unavoidable part of development for babies, but you can make the experience bearable for your child.   When in doubt, ask Dr. Meg for more Supermom Tips!

For More Details Contact Us :

Dentist in Ancaster ON

Getting a Healthy Start at Dentist Ancaster


Dr. Meg Specializes in Oral Appliances for Families with Restless Children.

As every parent knows, when your child doesn’t sleep, you don’t sleep. Being the parents of five young kids, my husband and I understand this all too well. Last year, we began to notice that our 6-year-old son was regularly struggling to focus in school, waking up in the middle of the night, obscenely snoring, and running laps in his bed. My husband, my son, and I were all groggy from his restless behavior, and the rest of our children were suffering because of it, too. To make matters worse, we have a baby at home, who already wakes up at random hours of the night. 

But it wasn’t until I took a course through Healthy Start that I realized why this could be happening. 

I was introduced to Healthy Start by a group of dentists in the U.S. The organization offers safe oral appliances to treat the symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing in children. This includes snoring, trouble concentrating, irritable behavior, constant movement in their sleep, and various other conditions. (Sounds familiar, right?) The oral appliance persuades a child’s teeth and tongue to sit properly in their mouth, allowing for proper airflow during sleep while also encouraging proper development for a child’s impressionable mouth. This prevents further conditions from developing and can help your child avoid extensive treatments and issues with their cardiovascular health, mental well-being, and cognition. 

Oral appliances are common for teens and adults, whose mouths are nearly fully formed, but formulating these appliances for children, who are constantly developing, is a new area of dental sleep medicine. In fact, in our region, there were only four other practitioners who offered this care for children. It was shocking to find out there are so few resources for families who are kept awake each night and struggling with their children’s behavioral issues. It’s even more surprising when you consider the fact that 9 in 10 children suffer from these symptoms. 

But then again, I was one of those moms who didn’t connect these symptoms my son was showing to a larger issue. It wasn’t until I took this the course to become certified through Healthy Start that I realized the very same issues that I was becoming an expert in were symptoms that my son was displaying! As a mom, I get it. It’s hard to balance everything you have to do on top of working or any other tasks you may take on. The connection between my son’s lack of focus in school and his crazed sleeping patterns just didn’t occur to my husband and myself until I took this course. 

Now my son wears an oral appliance to bed each night, and at the time of writing this, we are only a few weeks into his program. But we’ve already seen an improvement in his mood and his sleep schedule. (As a bonus, we now get to sleep through the night, too. Well, mostly. We still have a baby at home!) 

The last thing you need as a parent is less sleep. I’m proud to offer Healthy Start oral appliances for children because I have seen the direct impact these devices can have on children and their families. As parents, we just want our children to grow up happy and healthy. And I know that begins with a Healthy Start.

Get started with this program by contacting our practice, and learn more about Healthy Start at I guarantee we can help your home find peace each night

The Best Dental Clinic In Ancaster ON

Your smile shows your habits and health. It is crucial to take complete care of your teeth to look healthy and beautiful. Overall dental health is a crucial part of your overall health. Snap-On Smile dental clinics give complete dental care throughout the treatment and diagnosis of oral health situations with preclusion of dental issues. Actually, clinics for Dental Implants Near Me play an important role in the life of everyone:

Deterrence of dental issues and routine teeth maintenance

Usually, it is suggested to have routine dental visits in Root Canal Near Me clinics for keeping your teeth and gum healthy. A person must visit dental clinic with reasonable dental implants lengthening cost for routine checkups as a minimum within every six months. These routine visits have two different parts: cleaning and check-up. Throughout, routine check-up, dentist would confirm your oral health for issues, remove and clean any tartar and plaque build-up, followed by teeth polishing with good quality material.

Prevent and know diseases earlier than the occur

Some researchers have noticed that dental health is not only for the sake of teeth. Some people with serious dental health issues have high danger of some other problems. Your dentist with affordable dental implant in Ancaster can better inform you regarding overall health, together with whether or not you could be developing a cardiac disease.

Get the cutting-edge dental treatments

Clinics to provide mouth guard utilize the advanced techniques and advanced systems to sort out a variety of dental problems. They provide a diverse variety of specialty and general consultations and services like family dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, oral hygiene, endodontics, oral surgery, prosthodontics, dentures and implants.

Cosmetic dentistry to improve your appearances

Emergency dentist near me not just give treatment for dental issues but even advanced solutions of dentistry to improve the look of your smile and teeth. The field of cosmetic dentistry is one of the famous branches of dental science which deals with getting better person's gums, smile, teeth or bite.

Remove severe issues through oral surgery

The service of emergency dentist comprises of qualified dentists and some other staff to resolve number of serious dental issues through oral surgical procedure. For example, most wisdom teeth turn into impact and want elimination through surgery. Likewise, oral surgery provided by dentist near me is even conducted to resolve jaw-related issues like unequal jaw development and improve denture fitting.

So, the dentist's office near me plays an important role to keep the health of your smile. It is crucial to do careful research to search for the best and reliable dental clinics in your area. You have to get complete information from previous patients as well as you have to visit and check the quality of services provided by the professional dentist. It is very good to go some long miles and spend some more money on good quality dental treatment. You need to confirm to seek professional care earlier than it is very late.